Terms of Reference (ToR) for tracking Family Planning (FP) National Budget Allocations, Disbursements and Spending for the past three Fiscal Years (2015/16, 2016/17, 2017/2018).
Overview ofPAI project on Budget Accountability:
In March of 2016, PAI convened a meeting with civil society family planning budget advocacy experts from Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. The meeting provided an opportunity for participants to (1) develop a common understanding of citizens’ access to information necessary to monitor government expenditures for family planning; and (2) build a common framework for measuring government spending on family planning across the five countries, to fuel citizen oversight and accountability.
PAI is now piloting the implementation of the common framework to help build pressure for governments to increase commitments to family planning. The long-term goal of this project is to ensure that governments are accountable for providing family planning services, namely through providing the majority of funding required for family planning services and supplies. To achieve this goal PAI will partner with local organizations in Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia to work towards following project outcomes:
· • Increased government action on family planning commitments in the five countries
· • Increased production and publication of official data on government expenditures for family planning services and supplies in these countries
· • Increased cooperation and learning among family planning budget advocacy experts on what works in building government accountability for family planning
The purpose of this consultancy:
This consultancy is intended at achieving not limited, but three major objectives as stated below;
· • To track and document (in figures) budget allocations for family planning by the central government in the past three fiscal years (2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18).
· • To track and document (in figures) budget disbursement for family planning by the central government in the past three fiscal years (2015/16, 2016/17, and 2017/18).
· • To track and document (in figures) budget spending for family planning by the central government in the past three fiscal years (2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18).
Specific task for the Consultant:
· • Gather information on budget allocation, disbursement and spending for family planning for the past three years as mentioned in the objectives above.
· • Conduct a situational analysis on the current status of the FP 2020 commitments towards achieving 60% CPR by 2020
· • Document data sources documents for family planning allocations, disbursements and spending.
· • Highlight the trend on total budget for family planning commodities contribution by donors and Government.
· • Document total National Health budget for the past three fiscal years (2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18).
· • Develop and update budget accountability- real time tracking tool. The tool should be comprehensive to show all information of family planning budget accountability. The tool should involve the following;
o Total Family planning need for past three years as mentioned on the objectives
o The budget allocation component should distinguish the amount allocated for program and amount allocated for commodities including the data sources of each amount that is going to be recorded in the tracking tool.
o The budget disbursements and expenditures component should highlight the spending on the following; publication on FP, public awareness materials, sexual education materials, counseling, RH personnel training, new staff and in-service and staff dedicated to adolescent SRH services.
Expected Deliverables for this Consultancy:
· • Comprehensive report on tracking Family Planning (FP) national budget allocations, disbursements and spending for the past three fiscal years; 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18.
· • Updated budget accountability tracking tool. The tool should incorporate all required data on allocations, disbursements and spending and including the data source of each value inserted in the document.
· • Documentation on the trends of contribution on the total budget for family planning commodities by donor and Government.
· • Documentation of Family Planning needs using quantification reports from RMNCAH unit of MoHCDGEC.
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V 18/3/2019.