Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (JHCCP) –
The Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs develops powerful programming, teaching and research that works to positively influence social norms and health behaviors.
The Health Compass –
The Health Compass is an interactive collection of high quality social behavior change communication (SBCC) tools.
Knowledge for Health (K4Health) –
Knowledge for Health is the flagship health knowledge management project of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), implemented by a number of global partners. It provides platforms, products and services which support knowledgeable health program management and health service providers.
Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) –
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative is a project funded by USAID to strengthen developing country capacity to implement state-of-the-art SBCC programs.
Roll Back Malaria –
The Roll Back Malaria Partnership is the global framework to coordinate the response to the malaria epidemic. The Partnership was launched in 1998 by WHO, UNICEF, UNDP and the World Bank, and is composed of more than 500 entities.