Over 82,000 LLINs and 48,000 leaflets distributed throughout Muleba district as part of a major research project to determine the efficacy of current vector control measures.
Residents in Muleba district are being empowered in the fight against malaria, thanks to a new malaria control initiative being implemented by TCDC and its partners. In early February, TCDC distributed 82,720 long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) to residents in 40 villages around Muleba district as part of a district-wide bed net distribution and education campaign.
The net distribution and education campaign is part of a malaria vector control research program organized by the Pan-African Malaria Vector Control Research Consortium (PAMVERC), which seeks to determine the effectiveness of current malaria prevention technologies, like LLINs and indoor-residual spraying (IRS). TCDC has been employed as an implementing partner for the project, responsible for coordinating LLIN distribution with the District Medical Office and, in consultation with the National Malaria Control Program, conducting behavior-change communication (BCC) programming to educate residents about proper mosquito net use and promote IRS.
TCDC facilitated a series of trainings in January for implementing partners and project stakeholders, including local government officials. The Muleba district commissioner, the Honorable Mr. Lembris Kipuyo, presided over an advocacy meeting attended by district officials and representatives from other local organizations. This was followed by trainings for ward and village executive officers and community change agents (CCAs), TCDC-trained community volunteers who specialize in BCC.
The campaign was officially launched in Mubunda village on February 6th by acting District Commissioner Anitha Kajungu, with LLIN distribution continuing through the weekend. TCDC’s ward and village CCAs worked in their communities during and following LLIN distribution to encourage proper LLIN hanging, use, care and repair, and to advocate for IRS. Educational posters were provided to local health organs for promotional purposes.
TCDC also worked with the Pijei Amusement Company, a local social behavior change advocacy group, to conduct educational road shows that emphasized the project’s malaria prevention theme. In total, 49 road shows took place around Muleba district, with more than 56,000 residents estimated to have attended. These performances emphasized proper mosquito net hanging, use, care and repair and promoted the use of IRS. Over 48,000 educational leaflets were distributed during the road shows, and some lucky participants even walked away with promotional t-shirts.
“The response to this campaign has been positive at all levels,” says TCDC’s Muleba project manager George Kabulika. “We expect this campaign will effectively achieve our project objectives and alleviate the malaria burden in Muleba district.”
TCDC will continue its behavior change programming in Muleba through March of this year, as PAMVERC continues to collect data on the efficacy of current vector controls.
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