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CCAs reach hundreds of thousands in first quarter

Friday, 06 February 2015 11:46

A community change agent (CCA) in Masasi district engages with his audience.

In the first quarter of 2015, TCDC’s Community Change Agents (CCAs) reached hundreds of thousands in rural Tanzania with interventions on malaria, HIV/AIDS and family planning.

When village councilman Salum Kabugo needed someone to help him organize an HIV-testing event in his village, he turned to his ward's Community Change Agent (CCA), Mathayo Msosa. Together, Mr. Kabugo and Mr. Msosa collaborated with other organizations in the area to arrange a PEPFAR-funded event that drew thousands and tested over 700 people across the eleven villages in their ward!

Mr. Msosa is just one of 800 CCAs throughout Tanzania who are inspiring positive behavior change in their communities. A USAID-funded component of TCDC's Tanzania Capacity and Communication Project (TCCP), the CCA program was able to reach hundreds of thousands of rural Tanzanians in the first quarter of 2015, covering some of the most important health issues facing the country today - malaria, HIV/AIDS and family planning.

The CCA program has been a wild success and, thanks to a new partnership with Global Fund, is looking to expand from six operational regions to fifteen by the end of the second quarter of 2015. TCDC expects this partnership to double the number of active CCAs engaging communities around Tanzania, increasing exposure to current health information at the rural level and bringing Tanzanians one step closer to taking charge of their own health!


For more information, check out our interactive PDF (791kb)!

Last modified on Tuesday, 16 February 2016 17:41
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